Saturday, December 24, 2022

My Cancer Scare

It's Christmas Eve. I just finished cooking and cleaning with my family blasting old black Christmas songs. It's important that I say black so that you get the full vibe of the day. I had to retire upstairs for a while to rest my knee and I finally decided to write something. I have gone back and forth on what I wanted to start. Rather it be a Blog, YouTube, Podcast, etc. Soooooo many avenues to go down to get your voice out there. I have needed a platform to document my story. With me doing so much content creation for my business, the thought of picking up the camera for something else seemed like an extra job. So a blog it is! Hey y'all ! 

Welcome! My name is Shannon and I run a Digital Marketing Agency that specializes in Social Media Management. I'm a mom of two destructive, but lovable boys and an Army Wife! (I barely identify with the army wife part, but my husband is in the Army lol) I wanted to have something to follow along 2023 with. My public journal. I am hoping that when I share my story it will help someone going through something similar. Never did I think at 28 I would be in agonizing, chronic pain.  Never did I think at 28 I would be talking to my doctors about a possible knee replacement. Never did I think at 28 I would be going through a cancer scare

I am currently living a cancer scare. There is a 2cm tumor in my bone that is turning my world upside down. Although, I must note that all my doctors are positive and outlooks are good. The term 'malignant tendencies' is being thrown around because after 2 X-Rays, 1 MRI, and 1 Bone Biopsy we still haven't ruled out that awful 'c' word....cancer.

I kept going back and forth about when I should start this blog because I hate to be that person that leaves everyone on a cliff hanger with me not knowing the results, but I don't know something about the year ending makes you want to do things you said you were going to do. I promise as soon as I get an update I will be back because I have a long road ahead of me. It has been a very humbling experience being a black women in the healthcare system. I have sooooooo much more to say about that, but we will get to that. Until then hug your loved ones, enjoy your holidays, and give your friends grace if they haven't called you in a while.

You never know what someone is going through, no matter what the outside may look like. 

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